MBBR Media calculations

Best water treatment suppliers in Philippines

MBBR Media calculations

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Best water treatment suppliers in Philippines and their Media calculations

The best water treatment suppliers in Philippines consider that the basic and correct way to determine the required amount of MBBR carrier media in a wastewater treatment application depends on the organic load that needs to be removed, which is directly influenced by the flow rate, influent and effluent concentration.

General Rule for Calculation

The basic and most accurate way to determine the required amount of MBBR carrier media in a wastewater treatment application depends on the organic load that needs to be removed, which is directly influenced by the flow rate, influent and effluent concentrations.

Organic Load =  Flow Rate x (Influent Concentration – Effluent Concentration)

Once the organic load to be removed is known, the required carrier media quantity can be calculated. Different types of carrier media have their own different removal rate or efficiency. Yet, this removal efficiency is strongly dependent on the application and water temperature.

For a serious calculation, these factors must be taken into consideration first before deciding on the removal efficiency of a carrier media. After all, it is the bacteria that grows on the carrier media that actually treats the wastewater, not the carrier media itself. Because bacteria is a living organism, its activeness is influenced by the surrounding conditions and the substances it will degrade. To draw an example: Who would prefer to eat ice cream during cold weather?

Once the removal efficiency is determined, we can calculate the carrier media requirement for a certain wastewater application:

Carrier Amount = Organic Load / Removal Efficiency

First of all, it is important for the best water treatment suppliers in Philippines to specify and to determine the required biodegradation rates as an objective for the removal rates of the biodegradable substances in order to perform the design calculations, i.e. the calculation of the required amount of carrier material. By doing so, best water treatment suppliers in Philippines should consider operation-related fluctuations in the pollutant concentrations of the wastewater – as long as they should not be equalized in the system upstream of the MBBR stage. Hence, every wastewater treatment solution best water treatment supplier in Philippines should or has to, respectively, ask his customer about the influent and effluent conditions, possible toxic contaminants, application-related basics and the design temperature in order to be in the position to advise and to supply appropriately.

Depending on the sewage quality and the metabolic load, the carrier material may tend to excessive attachment of biomass. Tube-shaped carriers possess the negative characteristic of biomass accumulating within the inner area of the carrier. This biomass cannot be discharged the best water treatment suppliers in Philippines and dies due to a lack of substrate supply and in aerobic applications due to a lack of oxygen supply.

The dead biomass is hence blocking the active carrier surface area required for attaching biologically active biomass and reduces the biodegradation efficiency. Thin, fine-porous disk carriers (Chips) with an average thickness of approx. 1.0 mm (coin) have the advantage that the oxygen and the substrate can diffuse from both sides into the carrier to a depth of 0.5 mm. Consequently, the biofilm can be held active and will not die due to clogging.

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