Phosphorus removal from STP

wastewater treatment

Phosphorus removal from STP

Package Sewage treatment plant

Package Sewage treatment plant and importance of phosphorus removal is a well known fact. As per Philippines DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act under its latest Regulation DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard total phosphorus (TP) effluent limit is 1 mg/L. Utilities that need to meet these lower limits will want to consider enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). Phosphorus removal during wastewater treatment is vital to ensuring public safety and protecting the environment. Removal of this nutrient from waste streams is key to preventing eutrophication – a natural process inciting algae blooms. Algae blooms can suffocate ecosystems, creating dead zones in which animal life cannot survive. Moreover, this causes other water quality issues threatening our drinking water.
Avlon wastewater treatment plants use two strategies to remove phosphorus: chemical phosphorus removal (CPR) and biological phosphorus removal (BPR).

Chemical phosphorus removal (CPR):

Chemical phosphorus removal from package Sewage treatment plant typically involves precipitating influent phosphorus with an iron or aluminum salt. Using an iron salt, such as ferric chloride, provides the ancillary benefits of reducing scum in secondary treatment and managing sulfides and odors in anaerobically digested sludge. Chemical addition can also limit struvite formation, which can become an issue when a plant converts to a BPR system and more phosphorus is released in the digester. Disadvantages of CPR include storage requirements and sludge production increases 20% to 30% of chemical Dose and other physical parameters

The required chemical dose is related to the liquid phosphorus concentration. For target concentrations above 2 mg/L (appropriate for chemical addition to a primary clarifier), a dose of 1.0 mole of aluminum or iron per mole of phosphorus is sufficient. For lower phosphorus concentrations in the range of 0.3 – 1.0 mg/L, the dose can be in the range of 1.2 to 4.0 moles aluminum or iron per mole of phosphorus. The pH value is an important factor for efficient removal of phosphorus using alum or other salts, as the solubility of their precipitates vary with pH. Phosphorus removal is most efficient in the pH range of 5 to 7 for alum and of 6.5 to 7.5 for ferric salts since their precipitates will not readily return to solution.

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR):

EBPR is simply the biological uptake of phosphorus by selected microorganisms called phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAOs). While the actual uptake of phosphorus occurs under aerobic conditions, PAOs must first be conditioned by exposure to volatile fatty acids (VFA) under anaerobic conditions. PAOs store food under anaerobic conditions and then process the stored food once under aerobic conditions. So to simply it, The EBPR process in the package Sewage treatment plant works by providing an anaerobic zone with an ample supply of readily biodegradable carbonaceous oxygen demand. Organic matter in the anaerobic zone is fermented to create a source of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), particularly acetate and propionate, which in turn serve as food sources for PAOs

package sewage treatment

PAOs expend energy to transform VFAs into a chemical form for storage, and they obtain energy for VFA storage by breaking phosphorus bonds within themselves. This results in the release of ortho-phosphate which is the conditioning step needed to trigger the aerobic “luxury phosphorus uptake.” If PAOs are exposed to enough VFA, they will deplete their energy reserves and become stressed. This stress causes PAOs to overreact and accumulate more phosphorus in their chemical energy storage banks.

Influent BOD : P Ration and its importance:

As a rule of thumb, a minimum influent BOD:P ratio of 25:1 is necessary in order to provide adequate conditions for PAOs to thrive. Note that this ratio is applicable to the influent of the anaerobic phase of the EBPR process. Upstream treatment processes such as primary clarification may remove too much BOD for successful PAO conditioning. A more comfortable margin is provided with influent BOD:P ratios of 30:1 to 40:1. Dilute influent characteristics with low BOD concentrations, excessive BOD removal in primary treatment processes and excessive influent or solids dewatering side-stream phosphorus concentrations can cause influent BOD:P ratios to fall below the optimal range for successful EBPR.

Return Activated Sludge (RAS)

RAS in nitrifying systems designed to remove ammonia will contain significant nitrate concentrations that are not compatible with two stage (aerobic/anaerobic) EBPR systems. In these cases, provisions must by made to denitrify the return solids to avoid compromising the integrity of the anaerobic zone. Various de-nitrification EBPR configurations are effective for  package Sewage treatment plant with these conditions, most often including one or more anoxic phases where bacterial respiration is dependent on oxygen derived from nitrites or nitrates rather than dissolved oxygen. Waste activated sludge (WAS) is removed from the system in the secondary clarification processes and transferred to solids handling units. PAO and phosphorus rich return activated sludge (RAS) is recycled to the anaerobic zone to build up the population of PAOs in the system and to be reconditioned for another EBPR cycle.

Care to be taken during designing the system

Dissolved Oxygen: Avoid over aeration. Maintain 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L DO concentrations at the end of the aeration zone. This will allow for the activated sludge process to perform adequately and ensure that excessive dissolved oxygen concentrations are not recycled back to the anaerobic phase.

Filamentous Control: Avoid over chlorination. Excessive RAS chlorination can harm the EBPR process. Anaerobic and anoxic selector zones should help control filamentous bacteria by placing them at a competitive disadvantage with respect to other types of bacteria
Influent BOD:P Ratios: A minimum 25:1 ratio of influent BOD to phosphorus has been reported to be critical for successful EBPR. Source reduction of phosphorus loads can help decrease influent phosphorus loads and improve EBPR efficiency.

Recycled P Loads: Evaluate phosphorus concentrations and loads returned to the treatment process from solids dewatering operations. Sludge dewatering return flows can contain significant amount of phosphorus that can effectively increase the influent load to the WWTP and reduce the influent BOD:P ratio sufficiently to overwhelm the EBPR

Secondary Phosphorus Release: This phenomenon occurs in the anaerobic tank if PAOs release stored phosphates but fail to take up available VFAs. This is a problem because subsequent uptake of phosphorus in the aerobic phase will not occur. Causes associated with these conditions include excessive detention times in anaerobic, anoxic or aerobic phases, PAOs settling in primary clarifiers, septic conditions in secondary clarifiers, anaerobic digestion of primary and EBPR sludges, blending of primary and EBPR sludges and failure to aerate stored EBPR sludges.

Combined Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal with Chemical Addition

When chemical addition is used in combination with EBPR, it is generally used as a polishing step, usually in secondary treatment. This approach is preferred when EBPR can provide substantial phosphorus removal, but not enough to meet a required effluent phosphorus concentration limit of 1 mg/L based on a monthly average.
Phosphorus removal is an important process in meeting the DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act under its latest Regulation DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard. Avlon Inc, is a leader in EBPR technologies with a comprehensive product portfolio and experienced professionals to help you find the best options for new sewage treatment or upgrading your existing sewage treatment plant.

Contact us today to talk about nutrient removal solutions! Avlon is one of the Best Manufacturers and Suppliers in Philippines dealing in Wastewater Treatment Plants, package Sewage Treatment Plant. They give Best Quality and Best Customer Service. Check out

Nitrogen removal from STP

Sewage plant treatment unit

Nitrogen removal from STP

Sewage plant treatment & Nitrogen removal process

Sewage plant treatment contains Nutrients are substances essential for growth of humans, plants and animals. Nutrients are taken in by organisms and promote growth. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrients to most aquatic organisms. In this blog we will try to understand how to remove nitrogen.

Nitrogen makes up 78 percent of our atmosphere and is the seventh most abundant element on earth. It is a constituent of amino acids, protein, DNA and RNA. Sources of nitrogen in wastewater include anything organic, such as human waste, urea and fertilizers.

Total Nitrogen

Nitrogen exists in several forms. The principal nitrogen types of concern to wastewater treatment are: Total Nitrogen, Total Kejeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Ammonia, Organic Nitrogen, Nitrate and Nitrite. Concentrations are reported in mg/L, as Nitrogen. The relationships of the various forms are confusing, but important to understand. Total Nitrogen (TN) is the sum of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) and organically bonded nitrogen. Total Nitrogen (TN) should not be confused with TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) which is the sum of ammonia-nitrogen plus organically bound nitrogen but does not include nitrate-nitrogen or nitrite-nitrogen.

Nitrogen removal

Nitrogen may be removed chemically, physically or biologically. It is generally more cost effective to use biological nutrient removal technology in Sewage plant treatment than chemical or physical removal. However, there are other factors to weigh when deciding on a treatment technology, such as solids handling capability and existing mechanical equipment.

Sewage water contains around 40 mg/L of total nitrogen out of which about 60 percent of the influent total nitrogen is ammonia and 40 percent is organic nitrogen. In the aerobic treatment process, most of the organic nitrogen (N2) is changed to ammonia (NH3) in a process known as ammonification. Starting from the house service connection, organic nitrogen begins its transformation to ammonia and ammonium, based on pH and temperature. As the  wastewater reaches the treatment plant for processing, some of the organic nitrogen has been converted to ammonia or ammonium through the collection system. Roughly 30 – 40% may remain as organic nitrogen, with about 60 to 70% coming in as ammonia/ammonium.

N2 + 3 H2 -> 2 NH3

Biological nitrogen removal is a two-step process that involves nitrification and denitrification.

Sewage plant treatment unit

Step 1: Nitrification is an oxidizing process that occurs in the presence of oxygen under aerobic conditions using bacteria (often Nitrosomonas) to oxidize ammonia to nitrite, and then using another type of bacteria (often Nitrobacter) to oxidize the nitrite (NO₂) to nitrate (NO₃).

Nitrification is carried out according to the following reactions:

2 NH3 + 3O2 – > 2 NO2 + 2 H+ + 2 H2O

2 NO2- + O2 -> 2 NO3-


Ammonia (NH3) + Oxygen (O2) + Alkalinity + Nitrosomonas = Nitrite (NO2)

Nitrite (NO2) + Oxygen (O2) + Alkalinity + Nitrobacter = Nitrate (NO3)

Step 2: Denitrification is a reducing process that occurs in the absence of oxygen under anoxic conditions using heterotrophic bacteria (usually Pseudomonas) to reduce nitrate to nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas.

Denitrification is carried out according to the following reaction:

NO3- + CH2O + H+ -> ½ N2O + CO2 + 1½ H2O


Nitrate (NO3) + Organics + Pseudomonas = Nitrogen gas (N2) + Alkalinity

Finally, nitrogen is released into the atmosphere again. The whole process starts over in the Sewage plant treatment after release.

Nutrient removal is an important process in meeting the DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act under its latest Regulation DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard. Avlon Inc, is a leader in nutrient removal technologies with a comprehensive product portfolio and experienced professionals to help you find the best options for new sewage treatment or upgrading your existing sewage treatment plant.

Contact us today to talk about nutrient removal solutions! Avlon Inc is one of the Best Manufacturers & Suppliers in Philippines. We are one of the best in Sewage Treatment Plant, Upgrading the STP, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Dust Collector, Wet Srubber and Biomass Boilers. Visit our website to know more

Alum Dosing Process in STP

sewage treatment plant manufacturer in Philippines

Alum Dosing Process in STP

Sewage treatment plant suppliers – Chemical Dosing System

DENR are increasingly imposing restrictions on the levels of phosphorous to sewage treatment plant suppliers in the discharge from sewage treatment plants. As per Philippines DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act under its latest Regulation DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard the Phosphate content should be below 1 Mg/L.

When sewage is treated biologically, some of the phosphate is utilized by the bacteria. However, to ensure final effluent levels are below 1 mg/l, suitable chemical reagents are added to assist in the precipitation of the excess phosphates via a dosing unit.

Avlon Inc in Philippines is a sewage treatment plant suppliers who has developed a CHU (Chemical Dosing Unit) which has closed loop feed forward control of inlet dosing systems for the removal of phosphate having are dual channeled pH controllers providing either relay or proportional pulse outputs to drive chemical metering pumps. Dosing iron salts at the front end of a works requires a level of pump control to ensure that the pH of the influent does not become too acidic as this has a detrimental effect on the nitrifying process.

A chemical dosing skid is the most effective way to dispense chemicals, using at least two peristaltic or metering pumps attached to pipe manifolds encased in a cabinet. One pump act as a duty standby to ensure the dosing process is uninterrupted should a wearable component need to be serviced. Programmable features make it the most adaptive pH controller available. These all have manual stroke length adjustments which allow their output to be adjusted between 10 to 100%. There are also various sizes available ranging from 0.3 to 14.0 l/hr. which covers all sewage treatment plant suppliers requirements.

The advantage of determining the phosphate level at the inlet is that the dose rate of the iron or aluminium salt can be calculated and the dosing pump system controlled using the combined flow and phosphate concentration. The combined output generated allows the operator to adjust the dosing pumps for site-specific conditions that allow the ‘P to Fe’ ratio to be adjusted until it is optimized. This optimization requires the monitoring of the final effluent to ensure that the phosphate levels are within the DENR consent and once the optimization has been done by sewage treatment plant suppliers for there is no need to further monitor the final effluent.

sewage treatment plant suppliers- CHU for efficient Dosing system:

All of Avlon CHU has two chemical holding tanks that can be isolated to allow for maintenance. Chemical passes out of the holding tanks through a series of isolation valves to the inline filters. These filters remove debris from the chemical, which can reduce the pumping efficiency, or block up valves upstream of the pumps. These filters need regular cleaning by sewage treatment plant suppliers , and are the most common cause of problems within the dosing system. If they become blocked the pump is not able to deliver the required dose rate. It is advisable to clean both filters prior to calibrating a pump. Once the chemical has been through the filters it passes to one of two dosing pumps (duty/standby) for each dosing point.

As a measure of safety, Avlon has provided pressure relief valves, so If there is a blockage downstream of the pumps and the pressure within the system reaches that required to open these valves then the chemical will pass either back to the holding tanks (through the overflow lines) or to the bund depending on the type of system. Thereafter, the discharge from both pumps joins a common line so all subsequent items are common to both pumps.
We had also incorporated pulsation damper in our CHU.

The pumps push the chemical forward in pulses and the damper smoothest these so that the chemical is delivered to the dosing point in a constant stream. The damper is at 10 bar pressure. After the pulsation damper is a flow monitor, which detects if the chemical flow rate drops below an adjustable set point. If this happens the duty pump has failed, the standby pump is brought on and an alarm raised. If the standby pump fails to deliver the minimum flow rate then that pump is also failed and a higher priority alarm raised.

After the flow monitor is a pressure gauge that shows the pressure in the dosing system and the back-pressure on the pumps. It can be used to determine the cause of a problem if the system is not working properly, i.e. if the loading valve, which is the next item in the flow path, is blocked and chemical is passing through the pressure relief valves. The loading valve has two purposes. The first is to stop chemical siphoning from the holding tanks to the dosing point. The second is to ensure there is a back-pressure on the pumps so they deliver the dose that they should for a given speed. If the pressure imposed by the loading valve is changed, then the pumps must be recalibrated.
Once the chemical has passed through the loading valve it travels to the dosing point via the dosing line. The calibration pot is used to measure how much the pumps are dosing and if the stroke setting on each pump is right for the required dose rates. The flushing valves are points on the dosing system where lines can be connected and used to flush potable water (not final effluent) through to clean out any chemical before maintenance work is carried out. There is usually one emergency stop button for each pump set. This will fail both pumps.

Automated control of chemical coagulant dosing has not been in widespread use in Philippines up to now with some notable exceptions in recent years. Avlon Inc, having wide experience in water treatment can design customized chemical doing automation system to meet your project requirements. For more information visit us at Avlon is one of the Best Manufacturers and Suppliers of Sewage Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Dust Collectors, Wet Scrubbers, Biomass Boilers, Oil/Gas Fired Boiler etc.

sewage treatment plant suppliers
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers

Factors Effecting Chemical Coagulation & System Automation

wastewater treatment manufacturers Philippines

Factors Effecting Chemical Coagulation & System Automation

Sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines and their system Automation process

The importance of automation in chemical dosing is very clear to sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines. The particulate impurities commonly called suspended solids cover a broad size range. Smaller sized particles, do not readily settle and treatment is required to produce larger particles that are more amenable to removal.

These smaller particles are often called non-settleable solids or colloidal matter. To remove colloidal particles the sedimentation step is usually preceded by a chemical process known as coagulation. Coagulants with charges opposite to those of the suspended solids are added to the water to neutralize the negative charges on dispersed non-settable solids such as clay and organic substances. The particles gather together to form larger particles in the flocculation process. When pieces of floc clump together, they may form larger, heavier flocs which settle out and are removed as sludge sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines.

Coagulant chemicals used by sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines

Chemicals used in coagulation / flocculation are referred to either as primary coagulants or as coagulant aids. Primary coagulants are used to cause the particles to become destabilized and begin to clump together. The purpose of coagulant aids may be to condition the water for the primary coagulant being used, to add density to slow-settling flocs or toughness so the floc will not break up in the following processes.

Aluminum sulphate, ferric chloride, ferric sulphate and polyaluminum chloride are the primary chemicals used by sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines to treat drinking water. These chemicals work by using the positive charge of aluminum or iron to neutralize the negative charge on the dissolved compounds and suspended particles in the water. This causes the formation of large particles, which settle quickly.

Powdered activated carbon (PAC), a coagulation aid, are also used sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines in coagulation cells to enhance the removal of taste and odour compounds, and remove some organic carbon. In water treatment plants, aluminum sulphate is a commonly used coagulation chemical, followed closely by ferric chloride. Polyaluminum chloride is used for specific applications, such as extremely turbid water and in-house treatment systems, because it is less sensitive to variations in water quality.


The optimal pH range for coagulation is 6 to 7 when using alum and 5.5 to 6.5 when using iron. For high alkalinity water, excessive amounts of coagulant may be needed to lower the pH to the optimal pH range. In these cases, it may be beneficial to use acid in addition to the coagulant to reduce the amount of coagulant needed and effectively lower chemical costs. It is important to sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines to  determine the optimal dose for coagulation; insufficient doses will not effectively destabilize the particles and adding excessive doses can cause detrimental effects such as re-stabilization, excessive sludge production, or corrosion. Water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, and alkalinity may dictate effectiveness of the coagulation-filtration process. Let’s evaluate the three major factors which effects the chemical coagulation and flocculation process in water treatment


The pH will not only affect the surface charge of coagulants, but also affects the stabilization of the suspension. The effectiveness of alum, is severely affected by low or high pH. In optimum conditions, the white flocs were large and rigid, and settled well in less than 20 min. The reduction of turbidity and other parameters was observed to be good at pH 7. Iron coagulants can have an advantage relative to aluminium in this application, as operation at a much lower coagulation pH can be used to maximise the removal of dissolved organic matter and consequent reduction in the potential for THM formation by sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines.

For harder waters, iron coagulants are often used if coagulation pH values of 8.0 or more occur – such pH values would not be appropriate for aluminium coagulants unless separate acid dosing were applied. Increasing the dose of metallic salt will further depress the pH but will result in a very undesirable increase in the soluble metallic content of the water, which will carry through the filters to supply. Dosing with a strong mineral acid, such as sulphuric acid, will depress the pH without the unwelcome increase in the soluble metallic content of the water. Lime is the most widely used alkali for coagulation pH control. It is most commonly delivered to site in its hydrated powdered form, stored in silos, and then dosed as a slurry. Lime dosing systems can be problematic, but reliable operation is achievable if good design practices are followed.


In coagulation process, rapid mixing is used by sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines to spread out the coagulant throughout the turbid water. In flocculation process, slow mixing is a key part to get most favorable performance. Adequate time must be provided to allow production of particles of sufficiently large size to permit their efficient removal in sedimentation process. The turbidity reduction was observed to be prodigious at high rpm, i.e., 100–30 rpm at all pH ranges. When using sodium aluminate in conjunction with aluminium sulphate the two reagents must never be mixed before addition to the water. The sodium aluminate must be added to the water a short time ( 0.5 to 2 min.) before the alum.

When used as coagulant aids polyelectrolytes should be dosed after the inorganic coagulant. Sufficient delay time (from one to several minutes) should be allowed following the addition of the inorganic coagulant to allow `microflocs’ to form before dosing the polyelectrolyte. In addition to turbulence at the point of injection, it is also important to allow sufficient delay time following polyelectrolyte addition to permit mixing and/or reaction before the subsequent solids-liquid separation.

Delay times of approximately one minute are generally satisfactory, but the required time will depend on the hydrodynamic conditions obtaining on the plant. Timing of the addition of onditioning chemicals and coagulants, as well as of coagulant aids, has been found to be of great importance and is usually critical to effective clarification performance, satisfactory filter performance, as a consequence, and hence the quality of the final water.


Coagulation dosage is one of the most important factors that have been considered to determine the optimum condition for the performance of coagulants in coagulation and flocculation. Essentially, insufficient dosage or overdosing would result in the poor performance in flocculation. Therefore, it is significant to determine the optimum dosage to minimize the dosing cost and sludge formation and also to obtain the optimum performance in treatment.

The optimum alum dosage was lower (1 g L−1) which was the lowest required dosage obtained the highest turbidity removal. Generally, aluminum and iron salts are rapidly hydrolyzed in water to give a range of products including cationic species which can be absorbed by negatively charged particles and neutralize their charge. This is one mechanism whereby particles can be destabilized, so that flocculation can occur. Overdosing can disrupt this phenomenon, therefore, fairly precise control of coagulant dosage should be considered by sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines in water treatment plants.


Coagulant should be dispersed rapidly (ideally in a few seconds) and effectively throughout the process flow. The effectiveness of dispersion is supported by dilution and application at a point of turbulence. The order in which coagulant and pH adjustment chemical are added may impact on floc quality. In the case of low alkalinity waters, typical practice is to dose alkali before coagulant to avoid loss of alkalinity and ensure that the optimum coagulation pH is reached as rapidly as possible. Flocculant aid (e.g. polyelectrolyte) should be dosed a few minutes after coagulant has been dispersed.

There is benefit in having flexibility in the location of the flocculant aid dosing point: a longer delay between coagulant and polyelectrolyte dosing can be beneficial if water is cold. Accurate pH measurement in waters of low ionic strength is supported by the use of sensors with a flowing reference junction, using sensors with a good track record in this application and ensuring that a good electrical earth is present in the system.

Automated control of chemical coagulant dosing has not been in widespread use in Philippines up to now with some notable exceptions in recent years. Avlon Inc, having wide experience in water treatment can design customized chemical doing automation system to meet your project requirements. For more information visit us at

sewage treatment plant suppliers in Philippines
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers

Wet scrubber for reduction of Sulfur Dioxide Emission

Wet Scrubbers in Philippines

Wet scrubber for reduction of Sulfur Dioxide Emission

Wet scrubber- Introduction:

Wet scrubber gain its popularity from Increasing urbanization and industrialization, with the consequent increase in the SO2 concentrations at ground level, mean that this problem will be a serious menace in the near future, unless methods are found for tackling it. Fortunately, some processes now being developed which meet the requirements for efficient sulfur removal and Avlon Sox Wet Scrubber is one such technology.

What is sulfur dioxide (SO2)?

Sulfur dioxide is a colorless, reactive gas produced during burning of sulfur-containing fuels such as coal and oil, during metal smelting, and by other industrial processes. Sulfur dioxide emitted to the atmosphere results largely from stationary sources such as coal and oil combustion, steel mills, refineries, pulp and paper mills, and nonferrous smelters. Generally, the highest concentrations of this criteria pollutant are found near large industrial sources, such as power plants and industrial boilers.

Health Impacts of Exposure to Sulfur Dioxide

High concentrations of sulfur dioxide affect breathing and may aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Sensitive populations include asthmatics, individuals with bronchitis or emphysema, children, and the elderly. Sulfur dioxide is also a primary contributor to acid rain, which causes acidification of lakes and streams and can damage trees, crops, buildings, and statues. In addition, sulfur compounds in the air contribute to visibility impairment in large parts of the country. This is especially noticeable in national parks.

How is SO2 emitted?

The growth of industrialization makes it imperative to reduce the amounts of sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide is produced by some chemical processes but mainly by combustion reactions. When coal or sulfur content oil is burned, the sulfur combines with the oxygen in the combustion air to produce SO2, which is emitted into the air through a plant’s stacks, if not removed by a scrubber. The only method of reducing pollution from domestic heating, with its innumerable sources, seems to be the provision of fuels with a restricted sulfur content, which should be as low as possible. But the use of sulfur-free fuel in industry is unlikely to be accepted in practice, as it is far more costly to remove sulfur from the fuel than to cleanse the burnt gases.

How does Avlon Sox Wet Scrubber work

The removal of gaseous S02 from flue gases may be achieved by chemical or physical means, using gaseous, liquid or solid substances. Avlon Wet scrubber technology use combinations of these processes and had proved to be wet scrubbing with liquids and dry methods with solid substances. At Avlon the solvent used in Wet scrubber are cheap, have a high capacity to dissolve SO2, and form a substance that could be sold economically. This is to make sure that Avlon Wet scrubber operating cost is low and also our customer earn money by selling the biproduct of scrubber.

Once sulfur is burned and produces SO2, the exhaust gas passes through the scrubber where a spray mixture of limestone (or other chemical reagent) and water reacts with the SO2. The reaction enables the SO2 to be removed before it’s released into the atmosphere. The overall chemical reaction, which occurs with a limestone or lime sorbent, can be expressed in a simple form as:

SO2 + CaCO3 = CaSO3 + CO2

Equipment description:

Wet scrubber Parallel rotating rods create a series of short throat Venturi openings. A series of low pressure, large orifice spray nozzles direct the scrubbing solution into the system. Depending on the design of the scrubber, the gas can flow either concurrent (with) or counter-current (against) the scrubbing liquor. The high velocity turbulence caused by the Venturi openings ensures maximum gas to liquid contact. It is here that the droplets absorb the SO2 as well as impacting and dropping particulates out of the stream. The scrubbed gas is then sent through a demister or re-heater to prevent condensation and exhausted to atmosphere.

PH Control

The addition of lime or limestone to scrubbing solution is controlled by monitoring the pH of the solution. Lime slurries are generally alkaline with a control point near a pH of 12 while limestone slurries are more neutral. CaSO4 concentration decreases slightly as pH decreases. Furthermore, because the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the slurry is constant, the formation of sulfate depends only on the concentration of SO3. The precipitation of CaSO4 increases as pH decreases, thus CaSO4 is apt to form scale at a lower pH. Hard scale formation can be controlled by keeping the pH high.

By Product

When SO2 combines with limestone, a primary byproduct is calcium sulfate, commonly known as synthetic gypsum. A recyclable product, synthetic gypsum is used in the manufacturing of wallboard and cement, and as a soil amendment in agricultural and construction applications. In practice, air in the flue gas causes some oxidation and the final reaction product is a wet mixture of calcium sulphate and calcium sulphite (sludge). A forced oxidation step, in situ or ex situ (in the scrubber or in a separate reaction chamber) involving the injection of air produces the saleable by-product, gypsum, by the following reaction:

SO2 + CaCO3 + 1/2O2 + 2H2O = CaSO4.2H2O + CO2

Keep visiting for more information. We are one of the best manufacturing company in Philippines. Dealing in Drinking water plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Wet Scrubbers, Dust Collectors, Boilers etc. Avlon follows the DENR RA 8749 Philippine Clean Air Act DAO 2000-81

Importance of Temperature for Sewage system

wastewater treatment suppliers

Importance of Temperature for Sewage system

Sewage system Introduction.

Sewage system temperature is a critical water quality and environmental parameter because it governs the following.

  • Kinds and types of aquatic life.
  • Regulates the maximum dissolved oxygen concentration of the water.
  • Influences the rate of chemical and biological reactions.

TKN can be reduced through several processes, including gaseous NH3 stripping to the atmosphere, NH3 assimilation into the biomass, biological nitrification/denitrification and sedimentation of insoluble organic N. These processes are affected by temperature, DO concentration, pH value, retention time and wastewater characteristics. Within bottom sediments under anoxic conditions in facultative ponds, denitrification can take place. Temperature, redox potential and sediment characteristics affect the rate of denitrification. In well-designed aerated ponds with good mixing conditions and distribution of DO, however, the effect on the rate of denitrification will be negligible.

Sewage system Temperature Measurement:

Sewage system Temperature is a measure of the average energy (kinetic) of water molecules. It is measured on a linear scale of degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. It is one of the most important water quality parameters. Temperature affects water chemistry and the functions of aquatic organisms. It influences the:

  1. amount of oxygen that can be dissolved in water,
  2. rate of photosynthesis by algae and other aquatic plants,
  3. metabolic rates of organisms,
  4. sensitivity of organisms to toxic wastes, parasites and diseases, and timing of reproduction, migration, and aestivation of aquatic organisms.

Sewage system water temperature does not change as fast as air temperature, but because of this, smaller increases in water temperatures can have more of a negative impact on the water quality and ecosystems that depend on this water. Palatability, viscosity, solubility, odors, and chemical reactions are influenced by temperature. Thereby, the sedimentation and chlorination processes and biological oxygen demand (BOD) are temperature dependent. It also affects the biosorption process of the dissolved heavy metals in water

The aesthetic objective for water temperature of Drinking Water Quality is 15°C. This is because most consumers complain about tap water at 19°C or higher. The intensity of taste is greatest for water at room temperature and is significantly reduced by chilling or heating the water. Increasing the temperature will also increase the vapour pressure of trace volatiles in drinking water and, therefore, could lead to increased odour.


When chemical treatment is involved, generally the rates of chemical reactions decrease with decreasing temperature because the temperature dependence of most chemical reactions stems from the activation energy associated with them. The efficiency of one of the key water treatment steps, coagulation, is greatly dependent on temperature. Also, the optimum pH for the coagulation process decreases as temperature increases. Furthermore, as temperature decreases, the viscosity of water increases, and the rate of sedimentation decreases. As a longer settling time is not available in a plant with a fixed flow rate and basin capacity, the efficiency of color and turbidity removal by coagulation and sedimentation may be less in winter than in summer. Due to the stratification of warmer water over cooler water in the treatment basin, very small increases in the temperature (<1ºC) of the raw water source have been reported to decrease the efficiency of the flocculation-sedimentation process. However, appropriate plant and process design can defeat this problem.

Sewage system Temperature affects the power of disinfection, how disinfection slows the growth and impedes the survival of microorganisms. When water has a pH value higher than 8.5, higher temperatures multiply the bactericidal effectiveness of chlorine, as well as its effectiveness in killing some viruses. Some studies have found that the rate of formation of chloroform in raw water treated with a chlorine dose of 10 mg/L multiplied at higher temperatures. Temperature also impacts the coagulation process because it affects the viscosity of the water. Thus, lower temperature waters can decrease the hydrolysis and precipitation kinetics

To design your Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and to meet all Philippines DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act, DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard contact Avlon. Avlon is one of the best manufacturers and suppliers of sewage treatment plants. It takes care of all the DENR guidelines and serves best quality. For more details contact us or visit our website

Sewage system
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers

How to Save Minimum 3.2 Million Peso in Your Fuel Cost Per Year by Installing Avlon Economizer in Any of Your Boiler

Best Biomass Boiler in Philippines

How to Save Minimum 3.2 Million Peso in Your Fuel Cost Per Year by Installing Avlon Economizer in Any of Your Boiler

Boiler supplier Philippines- Avlon Introduction:

We as a Boiler supplier Philippines recommend our customer to best boiler operational practice that constantly looks into ways to improve operating efficiency. One of the ways is by incorporating an Economizer in the flue gas path. An economizer is basically a Heat exchanger unit to recover heat from flue gas coming out of any steam boiler and in turn heat the feed water. The economizer is a fuel saving proposition with an attractive payback as it utilizes the heat from the flue and thus saves fuel from getting wasted.

The number of Boiler supplier Philippines that use flue gas economisers effectively to reduce energy costs is far fewer and the main reason lack of detailed awareness, rather than any unwillingness to embrace the technology. Reducing energy costs with economisers can reduce fuel usage for the same boiler output, and can typically offer businesses fuel savings of between 4% and 6% with a return on investment between 6 to 18 months. We will discuss in this paper the working principle and some calculation on how much money you save by incorporating and Avlon Economizer in any of your boiler fired on any fuel of any capacity.

When Should You Install an Economizer:

The stack temperature should be as low as possible, since it carries all the heat from the fuel. However, it should by the Boiler supplier Philippines that not be so low that water vapor from exhaust condenses on the stack walls. This is important in fuels containing significant sulphur, as low temperature can lead to sulphur dew point corrosion and acid attack effects on metallic parts in the flue gas path. A stack temperature greater than 150ºC indicates potential for recovery of waste heat.

It also sometimes indicates the fouling and scaling of heat transfer/recovery equipment. Boiler users must monitor stack temperature and compare it with design value. When it has increased over time, maintenance of heat transfer surfaces is called for. If the design value itself is high, the stack temperature can be reduced by installation of Economizer. Remember, for every rise of 6ºC in boiler feed water temperature through waste heat recovery would offer about 1% fuel savings.

How Do Economisers Work?

Installed between the boiler and chimney, economisers operate on the principle of heat exchange, salvaging the boiler flue gases to pre-heat the boiler feed water. This reduces the amount of energy that is required to heat the boiler feed water to operating temperature. Usually constructed from carbon steel, the economiser design incorporates finned tubes, containing the boiler feed water, that run perpendicular to the flow of hot gas. These finned tubes transfer heat from the flue gases into the water flow as per Boiler supplier Philippines. This process lowers the flue gas temperature while the feed water temperature is increased.

Economizers are available in a wide range of sizes, from small coil-like units to very large waste heat recovery boilers. The rectangular economizer uses high frequency resistance welded finned tubes to recover heat from the flue gas that flows counter-current to the boiler feedwater. AVLON Economizer are of compact design with the use of MS Fins which increases the extended heating surface. The unique design and special shrink fitting process of M S Fins on the tube are tested. Casting on bends takes total care of protecting bends from erosion and puncturing.

AVLON Economizers will be custom engineered, for your application, by our industry leading thermal design experts in Boiler supplier Philippines to maximize heat recovery. Every aspect of the design is chosen with the goal of providing a product that will perform trouble-free for many years. From selecting the right metallurgy for the application to the right enhanced surface and tube layout, based on fuel and fouling concerns, paying close attention to erosion, corrosion and vibration concerns, you can be rest assured that our heat recovery unit will be ideally suited for your application.


Steam Generated : 8 TPH
Steam Pressure : 10 kg/cm2 (g)
Steam Temperature : 1800C
Enthalpy of steam at 10 kg/cm2 (g) : 665 kCal/kg
Feed Water Temperature : 850C
Enthalpy of feed water : 85 kCal/Kg
Boiler Efficiency : 72.5 %
GVC of Coal : 4000 Kcal/Kg

Boiler Heat Output = steam flow rate (steam enthalpy – feed water enthalpy)
= 8TPH X 1000 Kg/hr. (665 – 85) Kcal/kg = 4640000 Kcal / Hr.

Fuel consumed = Boiler heat output / (boiler efficiency x GVC of Coal)
= 4640000 / (0.725 X 4000) = 1600 Kg / hr.

Now if we increase the feedwater temperature by 400C, then the Enthalpy of feedwater will be 125 Kcal/Kg

Therefore, Boiler heat output = 8TPH X 1000 Kg/hr. (665 – 125) Kcal/kg = 4320000 Kcal / Hr.

Therefore, fuel consumed = 4320000 / (0.725 X 4000) = 1545 Kg / hr.

Hence the fuel saved = 1600 – 1489 = 110 kg/ hr

Money Saved = 110 kg/hr. x 3.5 Peso/ kg X 23 hrs. / day X 365 days = 3,232,075 Peso / Year

For more details contact us or visit our website:, We are one of the best Boiler supplier Philippines and its accessories in Philippines

Boiler supplier Philippines
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers

Boiler water and Turbidity

Wastewater Plant in Philippines

Boiler water and Turbidity

Boiler water Treatment- Introduction

In Boiler water treatment, turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water loses its transparency due to the presence of suspended particulates. The more sediments in the water, the more turbid the water is. The suspended particles absorb heat from the sunlight, making turbid waters become warmer, and so reducing the concentration of oxygen in the water (oxygen dissolves better in colder water). Some organisms also can’t survive in warmer water. The suspended particles scatter the light, thus decreasing the photosynthetic activity of plants and algae, which contributes to lowering the oxygen concentration even more. As such, suspended particles can clog fish gills, that results in reduced resistance to disease, decreased growth rates, and affects egg and fish larval development.

Turbidity Measurement and Acceptable Range

Turbidity is measured by an instrument called nephelometric turbidimeter, which expresses turbidity in terms of NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) and is measured using a relationship of light reflected from a given sample. The turbidity of drinking water should always be less than 1 NTU. Most treated city water is less than 2 NTUs. A turbidity measurement could be used to provide an estimation of the TSS (Total Suspended Solids) concentration, which is otherwise a tedious and difficult parameter to measure.

Effect of Turbidity

Not only is cloudy Boiler water treatment ascetically unappealing, it can pose a health risk by providing food and shelter to microorganisms in the water. The suspended particles in the water can help protect pathogens from disinfectants in the water distribution system, and they can even promote their regrowth after the disinfectants are used up. Because it interferes with disinfection of drinking water, excessive turbidity levels have been associated with gastrointestinal illness. Contaminants such as heavy metals, toxic organic compounds and pesticides can become attached to suspended particles, giving them a free ride through the water distribution system. Bacteria, viruses and parasites can also attach themselves to suspended particles in water.

Boiler water Treatment of Turbidity

Boiler water Treatment should start with making sure that the well screen is properly sized and in good condition. Not only can turbidity cause problems with water quality, but grit can also damage water pumps. Generally, filtration is the last step in a process of treating this type of water. To remove turbidity, often the first step is to inject a flocculant, or coagulant aid, which allows these microscopic suspended particles to lose their positive charge and “floc” together into larger clumps. The water is allowed to settle, and is then followed by filtration to remove any suspended floc. In some cases, the water must be gently stirred or agitated in order for the floc to form. A very effective method to remove turbidity is with reverse osmosis (“RO”) or ultrafiltration (“UF”) membrane systems. RO and UF systems can reduce turbidity and produce crystal clear water less than 0.1 NTUs.

Coagulation, Chemical Feeds, Flash Mix

Turbidity reduction is best achieved when the water is run through a series of chemical and physical treatment methods before reaching the filter. The terms coagulation, flocculation, and flash mix are often discussed together. Basically, coagulation is the process of getting particulates to stick together, flocculation is when this process becomes visible, and the flash mix is the fast mixing that makes it happen.

Boiler water treatment Coagulants include alum or polyelectrolytes such as polyaluminum chloride. Some water will react better with one chemical than the other. The correct dosage is determined with jar testing and feed pump calibration. The coagulant is usually injected into the line before the flash mix, sometimes using a static mixer (a short piece of pipe with internal spiral fins). Proper mixing is important to coagulation, as is the proper dosage of the coagulant. Coagulation can start as soon as the chemical is added, but the flash mix kicks the process into high gear. The flash mix is usually aided with a motorized paddle or the water is allowed to fall (splash) into a chamber making the water turbulent.


Flocculation usually consists of a two-or three-stage process, and begins when the particulates start sticking together more visibly. The process still uses the motorized paddles, but at a slower rate than during the flash mix. Stage one of flocculation is fastest, with the second and third stages working more slowly and sometimes with the paddles moving in the opposite direction. This allows the particles to get heavier and help them settle to the bottom in the next part of the process, sedimentation.


Boiler water treatment during sedimentation, the particles of dirt settle to the bottom of the basin. The sedimentation basin is the last step before the filters, so sedimentation must work effectively. The key to good sedimentation is having enough area and/or time for settlement and, subsequently, good sludge removal.

Sludge at the bottom of the tank is usually scraped with a slow-moving blade to a sump and drain. Some settlement basins have a cone-shaped bottom to direct the sludge to a drain. It still may be necessary to drain the sedimentation basin and clean the sludge every five to 10 years, depending on the water quality. Some sedimentation basins have tube settlers (slanted tubes that help with contact area and time for settling). Sometimes baffling is used or can be added to help the sedimentation time.


Filtration is the last stage in turbidity control before the clear well. Most filters can handle a wide range of turbidity, but don’t leave all the work up to them. The other processes—chemical mix, flash mix, coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation—must work optimally for the life of the filters and to provide a safety factor or cushion for lower turbidities. The less turbidity going into the filters means longer filter runs and longer filter-media life, which saves money.

AVLON stands guarantee to our products. We make sure that we meet Philippines DENR RA 9275 Clean Water Act under its latest Regulation DAO 2016-08 on general effluent Standard. AVLON filter makes use of the most advanced known technology for achieving high rate filtration at minimum cost. The filter can be adapted to any water condition of turbidity, colour or odour. Avlon is best when it comes to water treatment plans and other clean water products. Know more about us

Boiler water treatment
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers

Six Common Air Pollutants and Its Health Impact

Air Pollution

Six Common Air Pollutants and Its Health Impact

Avlon Inc, an supplier of cyclone dust collector Philippines

We are the supplier of cyclone dust collector Philippines and other air pollution control equipment’s. In this blog we will be discussing on six common air pollutants of concern. These pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide. This section includes a brief description of the most common air pollutants, their possible health effects from exposure, and how to limit or avoid exposure.

Clean, dry air consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen—78 percent and 21 percent respectively, by volume. The remaining 1 percent is a mixture of other gases, mostly argon (0.9 percent), along with trace (very small) amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, helium, and more. Water vapour is also a normal, though quite variable, component of the atmosphere, normally ranging from 0.01 to 4 percent by volume; under very humid conditions the moisture content of air may be as high as 5 percent.

1.Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas and one of six criteria pollutants for which Philippines DENR has established protective standards. CO forms when the carbon in fuels does not completely burn. Vehicle exhaust contributes roughly 60% of all CO emissions nationwide and up to 95% in cities. Other sources include fuel combustion in industrial processes and natural sources such as wildfires. CO concentrations typically are highest during cold weather because cold temperatures make combustion less complete and cause inversions that trap pollutants low to the ground.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

CO enters the bloodstream through the lungs and binds chemically to hemoglobin, the substance in blood that carries oxygen to cells. In this way, CO interferes with the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to organs and tissue throughout the body. This can cause cyclone dust collector Philippines slower reflexes, confusion, and drowsiness. It can also reduce visual perception and coordination and decrease the ability to learn. People with cardiovascular disease, such as angina, are most at risk from exposure to CO. These individuals may experience chest pain and more cardiovascular symptoms if they are exposed to CO, particularly while exercising.


Lead is a metal found naturally in the environment as well as in manufactured products. It is one of six criteria pollutants for which Philippines DENR has established protective standards. Exposure to lead can occur through multiple pathways, including inhalation of air and ingestion of lead in food, water, soil, or dust. Historically, the major sources of lead emissions were motor vehicles (such as cars and trucks) and industrial sources. The major source of lead emissions today is metals processing and the highest levels of lead in air are generally found near lead smelters, waste incinerators, utilities, and lead-acid battery manufacturers.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

Excessive lead exposure can cause seizures, brain and kidney damage, mental retardation, and/or behavioral disorders. Children that are 6 years of age and under are most at risk because their cyclone dust collector Philippines bodies are growing quickly. Research suggests that the primary sources of lead exposure for most children are deteriorating lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust, and lead-contaminated residential soil.


Ozone is a gas that forms in the atmosphere when three atoms of oxygen are combined. It is not emitted directly into the air but is created at ground level by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight. Ozone has the same chemical structure whether it occurs high above the earth or at ground level and can be good or bad, depending on its location in the atmosphere.

Ozone occurs in two layers of the atmosphere. The layer surrounding the earth’s surface is the troposphere. Here, ground-level or bad ozone is an air pollutant that damages human health, vegetation, and many common materials. It is a key ingredient of urban smog. The troposphere extends to a level about 10 miles up, where it meets the second layer, the stratosphere. The stratospheric, or good ozone layer, extends upward from about 10 to 30 miles and protects life on earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

The reactivity of ozone causes health problems because it damages lung tissue, reduces lung function, and sensitizes the lungs to other irritants. Scientific evidence indicates that ambient levels of ozone not only affect people with impaired respiratory systems, such as cyclone dust collector Philippines asthmatics, but healthy adults and children as well. Exposure to ozone for several hours at relatively low concentrations has been found to significantly reduce lung function and induce respiratory inflammation in normal, healthy people during exercise. This decrease in lung function generally is accompanied by symptoms including chest pain, coughing, sneezing, and pulmonary congestion.

4.Nitrogen Dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide is a brownish, highly reactive gas present in all urban atmospheres. Nitrogen dioxide is a criteria pollutant that can irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia, and lower resistance to respiratory infections. Nitrogen oxides contribute to formation of both ozone and acid rain and may affect both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The major mechanism for the formation of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere is the oxidation of the primary air pollutant nitric oxide. Nitrogen oxide forms when fuel is burned at high temperatures. The two major emission sources of nitrogen oxides are automobiles and stationary fuel combustion sources such as electric utility and industrial boilers.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

Health effects of exposure to nitrogen dioxide include the following cyclone dust collector Philippines:
In children and adults with respiratory disease such as asthma, nitrogen dioxide can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Even short exposures to nitrogen dioxide can affect lung function.
In children, short-term exposure can increase the risk of respiratory illness.
Animal studies suggest that long-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide may increase susceptibility to respiratory infection and may cause permanent structural changes in the lungs.

5.Particulate Matter

Particulate matter (PM) is the term for small particles found in the air including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. Particles can be suspended in the air for long periods of time. Some particles are large or dark enough to be seen as soot or smoke. Others are so small that individually they can only be detected with an electron microscope. Some particles are directly emitted into the air while others are formed in the air through chemical reactions. Sources of PM include cars, trucks, buses, factories, construction sites, tilled fields, unpaved roads, construction, wood burning, agricultural burning, wildfires, prescribed fires, and natural windblown dust.

Particulate matter is a criteria pollutant that comes in a wide range of sizes. Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter tend to pose the greatest health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system. Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter are referred to as fine particles. Sources of fine particles include all types of combustion (e.g., motor vehicles, power plants, and wood burning) and some industrial processes. Particles with diameters between 2.5 and 10 micrometers are referred to as coarse. Sources of coarse particles include crushing or grinding operations and dust from paved or unpaved roads.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

Both fine and coarse particles can accumulate in the respiratory system and are associated with numerous health effects. Coarse particles can aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma. Exposure to fine particles is associated with several serious health effects, including cyclone dust collector Philippines premature death. Adverse health effects have been associated with exposures to PM over both short periods (such as a day) and longer periods (a year or more).

When exposed to PM, people with existing heart or lung diseases—such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart disease, or ischemic heart disease—are at increased risk of premature death or admission to hospitals or emergency rooms.
Older persons are especially sensitive to PM exposure. They are at increased risk of admission to hospitals or emergency rooms and premature death from heart or lung diseases.

When exposed to PM, children and people with existing lung disease may not be able to breathe as deeply or vigorously as they normally would, and they may experience symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath.
PM can increase susceptibility to respiratory cyclone dust collector Philippines infections and can aggravate existing respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic bronchitis, causing more use of medication and more doctor visits.

6.Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur dioxide is a colorless, reactive gas produced during burning of sulfur-containing fuels such as coal and oil, during metal smelting, and by other industrial processes. Sulfur dioxide emitted to the atmosphere results largely from stationary sources such as coal and oil combustion, steel mills, refineries, pulp and paper mills, and nonferrous smelters. Generally, the highest concentrations of this criteria pollutant are found near large industrial sources, such as power plants and industrial boilers.

Health Impacts of Exposure:

High concentrations of sulfur dioxide affect breathing and may aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Sensitive populations include asthmatics, individuals with bronchitis or emphysema, children, and the elderly. Sulfur dioxide is also a primary cyclone dust collector Philippines contributor to acid rain, which causes acidification of lakes and streams and can damage trees, crops, buildings, and statues. In addition, sulfur compounds in the air contribute to visibility impairment in large parts of the country. This is especially noticeable in national parks.

Avlon inc takes into consideration all these pollutants and its effects and thus They make the Best Clean Air Products in the industry. Avlon Inc is the Best cyclone dust collector Philippines. Dealing in Air, Water & Energy Products. Know more about us on

cyclone dust collector Philippines
Sewage Treatment, Wet Scrubbers, dust collectors and boilers